Africa Greater Life Mission UK Registered Charity Number 1115766

About Us

The objects of the trust, in accordance with Christian principles, are;

1. To relieve financial hardship, sickness and distress in Uganda;

2. The advancement of the education of children and young people in Uganda;


3. The advancement of education in Uganda, including advancement in life and the relief of unemployment, including assistance to find employment.

Trustee Profiles

Trust Secretary – Andrew (Andy) Bull

Andy provides AGLMUK and its partners with a wealth of experience in environmental protection, sustainable development and renewable energy.  His thirty years spent in local government saw him undertake a series of roles in town and country planning, environmental policy coordination, sustainable energy projects and economic development.  For the last ten years before his retirement at the end of 2018, Andy worked for Severn Wye Energy Agency in Wales. He developed a particular enthusiasm for, and knowledge of, small and medium scale biogas systems. His qualifications include:

BSc(Hons)Environmental Sciences, p/g diplomas in Town Planning and Design in the Built Environment.


Trust Treasurer – Christine (Chris) Bull

Chris has a working background that provides invaluable experience to key objectives of our partners Africa Greater Life Mission.  She commenced working life as a secondary school science teacher and when her own children came along provided private tuition lessons to local GCSE and A level students in maths and chemistry.  Following a short spell as a Development Officer for the Pre-School Playgroups Association in Wales, Chris then worked with the Care and Repair Agencies in Powys for 20 years. Chris undertook the role of Area Manager for the southern half of the county as well as responsibility for the finances for the organisation. She retired from paid employment in 2012. Her understanding of accounting procedures, finances, administration and purchasing is clearly of tremendous benefit to the charity but her education background is hugely beneficial when it comes to placing students in secondary schools and seeing them through to the culmination of formal education. Her qualifications include:

BSc(Hons)Chemistry and p/g certificate in Education.


Trust Chair – Jessie Bergström

Jessie’s professional background has proved invaluable to the charity, particularly her extensive nursing and teaching experience. Her teaching experience has included working in rural Sudan as a TEFL tutor, providing English tuition in Greece and working as a Reception teacher in Kuwait. Jessie’s nursing has also led her to work abroad in Saudi Arabia. Within the UK, she has worked in orthopaedics, A & E and district nursing, the latter including project management of a Hospital at Home Scheme in Leicester. During the last 9 years she has been a District Nurse (Team Leader) in Powys. These skills and knowledge have been critical to the development of the healthcare provision at Bulubakulu, where she has provided training and support to the village nurse and been key in implementing a number of new healthcare programmes. Her qualifications include:

BA(Hons) English/Art, TEFL, and her professional nursing qualifications are Registered General Nurse, District Nurse, and Independent Prescriber.


Gill Tattersall

Gill qualified as a doctor in London in 1988. As part of her postgraduate training there she worked in paediatrics, obstetrics and gynaecology, geriatric medicine and psychiatry. As a medical student she spent 2 months in rural India working in a hospital.
She moved to Mid Wales in 1991 to complete her training and has worked as a General Practitioner in the town surgery as well as in the community hospital for over 25 years.
During her visits to Uganda with the team since 2017 she has been involved in many aspects of the project and her medical experience has proved to be invaluable.
Her qualifications include:

MBBS (Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery), MRCGP (Member of the Royal College of General Practitioners), DRCOG (Diploma of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists), DCH (Diploma in Child Health).


Contact us

We would love to hear from you. If you would like to contact us, please see contact details provided on the pdf newsletters. Thank you.



Our Privacy Policy


When do we collect information about you?

We collect information about you when you request to receive our newsletters, when you sign up to sponsor a child or make regular donations, complete a gift-aid form or join us on a trip to Uganda.

How will we use the information about you?

We will use the information about you to send you material that is relevant to your interest in the project. We will give information submitted in order to claim Gift Aid, solely to His Majesty’s Revenue and Customs. We will not disclose any information about you to any company, another charity or any other body – unless required to do so by law.


We would like to send you newsletters and other information about how you can support AGLMUK.  If you have consented to receive newsletters, you may opt out at any time.  You can tell us at any time to stop contacting you.

Access to your information and correction

You may request a copy of the information that we hold about you. This will normally only be mail address, email address and (sometimes) telephone number/s.

We want to make sure that your personal information is accurate and up to date.  You may ask us to correct or remove information you think is inaccurate.

Retention and Storage of data

If you have donated money to AGLMUK we will securely retain your data for 6 years. Apart from the exceptions below, all of the data held by AGLMUK will be stored on a single password protected computer at the address below. Information relating to Gift Aid claims will be held in paper files at the address below and will not be removed at any time or for any purpose. When no-one is present, and during the night, the house is locked.  Information relating to people joining us on a trip to Uganda is also kept in hard copy format. For the duration of the trip, one copy will be kept by a single trusted individual (usually a trustee) at their home in the UK and another taken on the trip. This information is required for the safety and security of trip participants and will not be disclosed to other parties unless it is necessary to achieve the purposes for which it is collected.

How to contact us

If you have any questions about our privacy policy or information we hold about you, please contact us at:

Cefn Prysgau, Crossgates, Llandrindod Wells. LD1 5SU

Tel: 01597 851817 email: